For players who have never played a previous Hearts of Iron game, selecting a nation that was (more or less) at peace during WW2 is a good starting point.

Proper selection of a nation to play is essential to learning the game. This wiki uses a versioning system to ensure that content on a page is correct for only the most current game versions: pages that are marked as obsolete should be updated as needed by readers. Exception: If you buy the Hearts of Iron Collection and then Their Finest Hour, no patches have to be applied. As a result, it is absolutely essential to apply patches-these represent a more complete and "finished" version of the game. Patches to the game improve stability, gameplay, and add new features to the game based on user input from the forums. As of this edit, the most recent patch for Their Finest Hour is 4.02.

There are essentially two types of versions: Games produced by Paradox Interactive invariably have many versions. This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version of the game.