Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense: Copper will believe any lie you tell him about curing vampirism, and will pay you for it. Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He wasn't aware of how much of a violation of Kindred law that was at the time. When you deal with him, you can decide whether to kill or spare him. The Mole: Julius is actually revealing Kindred's secrets to a screenwriter. Mad Oracle: Rosa, who isn't sure of what she's talking about at the best of times, let alone her babbled prophecies. Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Rosa will tell you it doesn't matter if you win the game, just that you bought it. Telling him it's the president additionally counts as a masquerade violation. Kick the Dog: If you're feeling in the mood for easy money and schadenfreude, you can trick Copper into paying for a "unicorn blood transfusion" to cure his vampirism, or a "Holy Stake" (part of a table leg) to use on the "Head Vampire." He'll ask you who the head vampire is, and any of the three possible responses all result in a Humanity loss. They refer to them as "Sickling", "Flower" and "Caesar" respectively. In-Series Nickname: Only E, Lily and Julius have ones by the Malkavian PC. Lily isn't too fond of her sire, Rolf, partly for Embracing her but mostly for abandoning her in Santa Monica, though she's still not happy when he ends up dead. I Hate You, Vampire Dad: E initially hates Lily for Embracing him, but they reconcile following Lily's rescue. Happily Ever After: With your help, Lily and E can successfully reconcile and escape from Santa Monica alive. "Get Back Here!" Boss: If you choose to kill Julius instead of sparing him, the fight which ensues is technically a boss fight (Julius has his own life bar), but he'll just run in circles while trying to dodge your attacks.
The Exile: What Julius becomes if you spare him You make him leave Los Angeles.If you complete their quests properly, Lily and E will eventually leave to a remote location. Dwindling Party: You can send Copper to his death, give Rosa $100 that she will use to leave town, and kill Julius or run him out of Santa Monica.
Distressed Damsel: Lily, after being captured by Vandal.The Cuckoolander Was Right: As the game continues, Rosa's predictions start making a disturbing amount of sense, particularly if it's not your first playthrough.Beware the Nice Ones: Lily might be weak by vampiric standards and more than a little bit shy, but that just makes her Beast-induced violence all the more startling.A group of young, high-generation vampires living under the Santa Monica Pier, all of them are outcast from mainstream vampire society and on the run from the Sabbat as such, most of them are in need of your help - with the exception of Rosa, who seems to be expecting you.